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Our Impact


Creating solutions that protect the environment and grow the economy.

Business has an important role to play in advancing the transition to a low-carbon economy. JPMorgan Chase strives to help our clients navigate the challenges and capitalize on the long-term economic opportunities and environmental benefits of progressing toward a low-carbon world. We are applying our capital, data, expertise and other resources to help address climate change and promote long-term, innovative solutions for a more sustainable future. 

We strive to promote sustainable development through several avenues, including: 

Sustainable Solutions and Financing

Supporting our clients and financing opportunities that accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy and a more sustainable future.

Operational Sustainability

Minimizing the environmental impact of our operations, including from our corporate buildings, retail bank branches and data centers.

Stakeholder and Policy Engagement

Engaging with stakeholders to identify and advance best practices and new opportunities.


Additionally, we leverage the skills and passion of our employees to advance sustainability in our communities. Within our business, we also actively consider environmental and social matters as part of our overall approach to risk management. Across our sustainability initiatives, we strive to provide transparent and regular updates through public reporting and disclosures.

Separate from our firmwide sustainability efforts, J.P. Morgan Asset Management has developed its own approaches and investment processes.  To learn more, please click here.

Our Initiatives

Net Zero Aligned Targets

Net Zero Aligned Targets

We are aligning key sectors of our financing portfolio with net zero emissions by 2050. We have developed Carbon CompassSM — our methodology for setting portfolio-level net zero aligned targets to reduce the carbon intensity of our in-scope sector portfolios over time.

Sustainable Development Target

Sustainable Development Target

We aim to facilitate more than $2.5 trillion to address climate change and contribute to sustainable development, including $1 trillion for green initiatives over 10 years – from 2021 through the end of 2030.

Operational Sustainability Targets

Operational Sustainability Targets

We’ve set a number of targets to drive progress on operational sustainability, including our goal to be carbon neutral across our operations.

Reports and Disclosures

JPMorgan Chase strives to provide transparent and regular updates through public reporting and disclosures. Read our latest reports and disclosures to learn more about our approach, targets and performance on sustainability matters.

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2022 Environmental Social & Governance Report and Appendices

Published April 2023

The annual ESG Report is designed to consolidate and summarize our work on ESG topics that are important to our business and stakeholders.

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2023 JPMorgan Chase Climate Report

Published November 2023

The 2023 JPMorgan Chase Climate Report provides information on how the Firm addresses climate-related risks, opportunities and targets, including within our corporate governance, business strategies, and risk management.

Additional Resources

Energy Mix Target Overview
In its 2023 Climate Report, JPMorgan Chase expanded the focus of our Oil & Gas End Use target. Now called Energy Mix, the target encompasses a broader view of energy supply that better captures the system-wide substitution from oil and natural gas to low carbon fuels and zero-carbon electricity generation under the IEA NZE scenario. As with our other targets, the Energy Mix target aligns to the IEA NZE scenario.

Carbon CompassSM Methodology
Learn more about our work to align key sectors of our financing portfolio with net zero emissions by 2050.

Methane Emissions Opportunity Report
This paper highlights an important lever for near-term decarbonization and shares our perspective on eight key elements for Oil & Gas companies to consider as they tackle operational emissions.

Carbon Market Principles
Learn about our approach to strengthening voluntary carbon markets to scale decarbonization solutions in our Carbon Market Principles white paper.

2021 Green Bond Report
Learn about our inaugural green bond issuance, its use of proceeds and impact metrics, and our Sustainable Bond Framework in our 2021 Green Bond Annual Report.

2022 J.P. Morgan Development Finance Institution Annual Report
Read about the J.P. Morgan Development Finance Institution’s (JPM DFI) 2022 activities and how they align with the broader landscape of the firm’s work on environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors.

Sustainable Development Target Approach
Learn more about our criteria for determining eligible business activity for our sustainable development target and how we account for the value of transactions.

Archived Reports
Find our archived ESG Reports, ESG Report Indices and Corporate Responsibility Reports.

Other ESG Resources
Find other resources such as our Sustainable Bond Framework and Human Rights Statement.

California Voluntary Carbon Market Disclosures
Find our disclosures under Section 44475 of Division 26 of the California Health and Safety Code.


We have a long history of advancing environmentally sustainable solutions that help transition to a low-carbon, more sustainable future. Some notable milestones include:




  • Publishes the 2023 Climate Report, which includes the following:
    • Net zero aligned targets for two additional sectors—Shipping and Aluminum.
    • Updates to our initial sector targets to align with net zero by 2050: We updated our Oil & Gas Operational (Scope 1 and 2), Electric Power, and Auto Manufacturing emission intensity reduction targets to align with the International Energy Agency Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Scenario (“IEA NZE”).
    • Modifications to our Oil & Gas End Use (Scope 3) emissions intensity reduction target: Now called Energy Mix, the target encompasses a broader view of energy supply that better captures the system-wide substitution from oil and natural gas to low carbon fuels and zero-carbon electricity generation under the IEA NZE scenario. As with our other targets, the Energy Mix target aligns to the IEA NZE scenario. View this one-pager for an overview of our Energy Mix Target.
    • Inaugural absolute financed emissions disclosure: Published absolute financed emissions for eight sectors of our financing portfolio.
    • Progress toward our net zero targets as of December 31, 2022: We plan to continue to measure and report annually on our progress.
    • Continued development and expansion of Carbon Assessment Framework (“CAF”): We continue to use CAF to assess how each new transaction may affect progress toward our emission intensity reduction targets.
  • Announces agreements to purchase over $200 million in high-quality, durable carbon dioxide removal (CDR), intended to remove and store more than 800,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (mtCO₂e) from the atmosphere, to help speed and scale the growth and development of CDR technologies. Learn more.
  • Publishes a white paper summarizing its perspective on the role that the voluntary carbon market plays, current market challenges, and how JPMorgan Chase is working to support and leverage a more effective carbon market. It also presents a set of core principles that the Firm references when evaluating carbon credits to support the Firm’s sustainability commitments and engaging with clients on carbon credit-related transactions. Learn more.



  • Launches Carbon Assessment Framework for capital markets transactions with in-scope clients. Learn more.
  • Publishes 2030 portfolio-level emissions intensity reduction targets for three new sectors — Iron & Steel, Cement and Aviation. Learn more.




  • Releases targets and Carbon Compass methodology for the firm’s Paris-aligned financing commitment.
  • Sets new targets to drive progress on operational sustainability, including a commitment to reduce the firm’s Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2030.
  • Announces new sustainable development target to facilitate more than $2.5 trillion over the next 10 years to advance climate action and sustainable development, including $1 trillion for green initiatives.
  • Publishes inaugural Green Bond Report summarizing the impact of our $1 billion green bond issuance in 2020.
  • Joins the Net Zero Banking Alliance to support the global ambition for reaching net zero emissions by 2050.



  • Adopts a Paris-aligned financing commitment and commits to achieving operational carbon neutrality starting in 2020.
  • Issues $1 billion inaugural green bond with proceeds to fund eligible green building and renewable energy projects.
  • Announces new sustainability commitments, including $200 billion in financing in 2020 to drive action on climate change and advance the objectives of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. 


Stakeholder & Policy Engagement

These relationships enable us to deepen our expertise, drive improved sustainability performance and create new sustainability opportunities for clients.

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